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Protecting Your Energy in 2020

2020 has been a rough year for everyone, myself included. However, as we near the end of the year it’s important to remember that we can allow ourselves the time to make space, and care for ourselves, and more specifically: our energy. 

Our generation has aided in making this year one of the most impressive in terms of showing up for social justice causes and momentum movements that are near and dear to us. We’ve taken the necessary steps to foster a safe space that makes everyone feel included as well as continuing to be examples for generations, young and old, when it comes to inclusivity. 

I’m so proud of how much we’ve accomplished in such a short time, at such young ages.

But the funniest, or rather most ironic thing about us, is that while we definitely have shown that we can use our platforms and voices to vouch for everyone else, we seem to neglect taking care of ourselves - again I speak personally. 

These past few months, with the unfortunate combination of the pandemic, police brutality, wildfires, elections, BLM protests, etc. people's mental health and personal energies have taken a devastating toll. This takes forms differently for everyone, but I know that my anxiety was through the roof during this period and I felt constantly drained.

Recently, we’ve become more open to learning about spirituality and the concept of an “energy system” through crystals and other mediums like tarot cards and manifestation (which has roots in the Hindu Law of Attraction and some parts of Buddhism) . 

Unfortunately, it isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to remember to take care of.  

This doesn’t need to be a stressful process though! There are so many little ways to make sure that just like anything else, your energy is taken care of.

Setting boundaries is a good place to start. Usually we associate boundaries with the topic of consent, but they’re very relevant to our day-to-day activities, including our daily scrolling. It can be super overwhelming if, everyday, a portion of your day is consumed by the never-ending stream of news via Instagram and Twitter. It’s also hard to feel optimistic if all you're seeing are stories that are traumatizing or disparaging. That's not to say that we can’t take the time to read about these stories or care about these causes. 

Yet, sometimes, constantly reading about things that we feel powerless to change eventually starts to take a toll on our health and energy. By setting boundaries around the way we consume daily information, we can manage these feelings better, and then when we are ready to return from our breaks or rest periods, we can fully put in the energy that these causes deserve. 


It sounds super obvious, but taking a second to refocus your energy and be mindful about your breathing can help calm down the anxiety that social media sometimes cause. Taking a few deep breaths can also help you clear your head and feel grounded again. 

Making time for old fashioned self care is also a form of restoring your energy! If watching Netflix and taking a bubble bath is going to help you feel restored again, go for it! You deserve to take time for yourself, in whatever way helps relax you.

If all else fails, remind yourself of this: You're not alone in whatever you're feeling. It can be isolating if you're taking everything in and not getting to express yourself. Talk to someone you trust or someone who will listen.

Everything goes through periods where they feel drained! We tend to overexert ourselves and then feel guilty that we feel that way. Taking care of your energy is nothing to feel bad about and you should never have to justify why you're taking a break.

Remember that at the end of the day, you taking the time out of your day to make a difference is doing something, both for you and your growth as a person and for the cause.  

I’m so proud of you for using your energy for causes you care about and you absolutely deserve to protect yours.