Collection of Poetry by Charlotte Woodward

Editors Note: Thank you for trusting me with your words, it is an honour.

I have fear and I have worry
I have confidence but no courage
I want what I want
And I’m a stubborn woman
I want what I want
but i’m not sure how to get it
I struggle with things
Looking back on all the things that have changed
I want to organize my thoughts
I must write them down
Through this I will find comfort and clarity
With my silence from written thought
The ideas have still continued
But without ink moving them to a page they have stained my brain
The ink has bled and made me confused
Now is the time
To write them down
To clear my mind
The past three years are being documented
This is my memoir
Follow if you dare
Read only if you desire
For this is the decluttering of myself
Summer cleaning 

My body is a legend of my life and my past
The twin markings on my hand from public school in Aurora
The burn on my wrist from my first full time job
The aray of brown dots that cover me head to toe, a gift from my mother
The blue eyes I was given as a beautiful but painful reminder that I came from my father
The dry skin that ravishes my body when days are hard and cold
The hair that is curly and straight and brown and blonde, showing I am not just one thing all at once
The crooked spine that the rest of my body grows from
The elbows that stick out like needles
The nail beds that I have grown to love painting
The jaw that is riddled with metal plates and screws
The scars inside my cheeks from wanting a perfect smile
And the ones on my arms, the ones that gave me relief
Every little part is me
I am a collection of oddities and normalities
You may not look at me and be stunned by beauty, intrigue, or disgust
I may not be striking
But every little part of me
Is mine


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