Creator Spotlight: Mololuwaloba David Adelaja

Can you introduce yourself to those that may not know you? 

My name is Mololuwaloba David Adelaja, I use my middle name as my primary identifier because it’s easier for most folks to pronounce, including my fellow Nigerians. I’m a Nigerian born and raised creative, living in Toronto.

What creative industries are you involved in?

I’m involved in the world of photography, videography, I dabble in writing at times and I’m hoping to learn graphic design soon. I am also a plus sized model.

Black and white photo of a man portrait photography

What made you decide to pursue photography and modeling?

They both found me weirdly enough. Photography was a by-product of me being in the film program in University. It started as a hobby but as soon as I started to respect the art behind it and put my heart into it, I started to actually get better at it and I sought to do even more.

Modeling on the other hand just randomly hit me. I was speaking with an agency photographer about potentially working with their agency models and I got scouted at the office, right there. It was the weirdest thing, but it seemed like it would be a good experience so I decided to go for it.

What’s your favourite part about being a freelance photographer?

I feel like my favourite part is yet to come, I’m so bad at picking faves, I love so many aspects of it. If I had to pick a favourite aspect though, it’d be the relationships I’ve built with everyone I’ve created with. Those mean everything to me honestly. 

Beautiful women in pink dress portrait photography

How would you describe your experience as a creative in Toronto? 

It’s been very weird, especially coming from a spot where I seemed like a slightly big fish in a little pond. The city is HUGE and my first thought coming in was “nobody knows me here, how will I even start this?” but the reception here has been amazing. The little communities here and there have been filled with lovely people who have been able to collaborate with me and create something fantastic. There have been a few gatekeepers here and there but we just go past those folks, no need to engage. All in all, it’s crazy how in a city of over 2 and a half million people, a lot of the creatives know each other. It’s the weirdest thing!

Where do you draw inspiration from? 

Anywhere really, but mostly films (movies, music videos, independent films, etc) and music. I listen to a wide variety of music and I draw inspiration based off of the feelings I get from each track. I just close my eyes and let the ideas flow then see which ones I can hold on to. The same goes for films, except my eyes are open.

Have you struggled with motivation throughout Covid?

Oh yeah most definitely. Everyone knows it’s been tough for everyone in their own way. I hadn’t been able to get as much inspiration and motivation with the pandemic but I realized that I had to go find it as opposed to letting inspiration find me. I used the lack of motivation for my usual conceptual ideas to brush up my technical skills. So I went into work that was more technically-heavy and not as reliant on the emotionally-driven artistic side of things.

Black couple intimate photo in hotel

Who would be your dream brand to work with; photography and modeling?

One of my favourite plus sized male models always spoke about luxury brands having campaigns for the big boys and I think that’s something I’d love to be a part of honestly. We don’t see luxury for people who are bigger in size and we gotta have that, for real.

For photography, I’d love to work with a brand like Pyer Moss, as well as other brands in that realm because of the uniqueness and beauty that they represent. Also, as much as I already do, I would love to keep creating with a lot more local brands. Being a part of their journeys is always a blessing, and they are a part of mine too.

Where would you like to see your business this time next year? 

I would love to be more business oriented and learn more about that side of things. I know I have work to do in that area for sure. Also, I would love to be booked and busy but not so busy that I don’t have time for the things that matter, you know. Eventually the goal is to be able to sustain myself off of doing what I love and everything else that comes with it. 

Tell us where we can go to support your work?

You can find me on Instagram and tik tok at “Blvkdave”. Reach out and say hi, it’s always good to be introduced to new people. My website will be up in a few months, I’m doing a bit of an overhaul on the content and layout. I’m excited for what’s to come.


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