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One Drummer Explosion Later and ‘The Dutch Kills’ Are Ready To Release Their EP Debut, “The Rot”

The femme fatale rock band you didn’t know you needed in your life.

We sat down with ‘The Dutch Kills’ to talk about the release of their new EP “The Rot”.

The Dutch Kills formed at the start of 2023 and you’ve quickly made a name in the Brooklyn punk-rock scene. Can you share the story behind the band's formation and how each of you contributes to the band’s distinctive sound?

Julia, Alec, and Maxine met during college and started jamming on the weekends in the summer of 2022. At the start of 2023, we felt like it was now or never so we found a drummer on Craigslist and decided to just go for it. We started playing covers and writing original songs in a small practice room in Bushwick and have been playing together ever since. 

Each member brings something unique to our sound. Julia is the voice behind The Dutch Kills–writing many of the core riffs, lyrics, and brings the attitude to our songs. Our lead guitarist, Alec, brings the energy with his guitar solos while our bassist, Maxine, contributes her original bass lines and love for all things punk. Our drummer Heather played in a girl punk band in college and breathes her talent into each song.

Your debut EP 'The Rot' is described as a 'rocking heartbreak album with a Bikini-Kill attitude and Courtney Love rage.' What personal experiences or influences shaped the thematic and musical direction of this EP?

This EP was largely inspired by Julia’s past relationships and not knowing how to deal with the grief except for moving forward and trying to find pockets of happiness amidst the chaos. Our songs are very dynamic–changing tempo and switching between melodies to show the full spectrum of moods. Grief always has a push and pull and we wanted our songs to do the same. 

Could you walk us through your creative process for 'The Rot'? How do you balance individual ideas and styles when writing and recording as a group?

‘The Rot’ has definitely evolved over time. While recording we weren’t afraid to experiment and try new sounds or add more layers in the studio. Many of our songs were born from jams at practices that turned into full-fledged songs over time. The Bitter Start was a jam we couldn't get out of our heads–playing it over and over until we finally added lyrics. 

For writing, Julia usually comes into practice with the bones of a new song and the rest of the band builds on it–adding bass lines, new ideas, and workshopping the sound together. Throughout our creative process our goal has always been first and foremost to write songs that are fun.

Starting a band and producing an EP within a year is no small feat. What were some of the biggest challenges you faced during this journey, and how did you overcome them?

Our drummer exploded twice. Just kidding. But we did have two drummers quit which forced us to start from scratch and reteach our songs which was really disheartening at first–but when it works it really works. Our current drummer, Heather, was supposed to only play one show with us as a favor, but she loved the songs so much that she stuck around and has fully become part of the band–bringing her own style and energy. We love her.

Performing live is an integral part of punk-rock culture. How do you translate the energy and message of your EP into your live shows, especially for your upcoming release show at the Broadway?

Our music is designed to be performed live with a raw rock sound. Each live show is unique and each crowd is different. We’re always trying to maximize energy and put on a good show that makes people want to dance and come back. 

Julia: We like our songs to speak for themselves and leave a bit up for interpretation. The same lyrics can mean different things to me at different times. The Bitter Start was initially about the feeling of getting dumped and starting from scratch, but at other times I’ve seen it through the eyes of starting a relationship and already seeing the end because nothing lasts forever. I feel like our music is meant to resonate differently depending on where you’re at.

 Working with producers Aleksi Godard and Gordon Raphael at renowned studios like The Hit Factory and Electric Lady Studios must have been an incredible experience. How did their expertise influence the final sound of 'The Rot'?

Getting to work with someone who worked so closely with The Strokes and produced their first two albums was incredible. After sending Gordon Raphael our reference songs for our sound, we got in the studio and he immediately nailed the vocal production. His experience & expertise helped shape our sound and gave each song both the edge and softness that we were looking for. 

Aleksi made the whole EP experience so smooth. He really saw the vision from the start and knew how to get the best performance out of each member–encouraging us through takes and having fun at the same time. Aleksi was able to see the strengths in our sound, helping us lean into the ebbs & flows of our songs. With his help, we were able to capture the live feeling by playing without a click track and got the guitar sounds straight from live amps.


Your music has been compared to iconic figures in punk and rock. Which artists or bands have had the most significant influence on your music, and how do you strive to forge your own path in the genre?

Our biggest influences are probably Hole, Bikini Kill, Kings of Leon, and The Muffs. Bikini Kill has inspired our carefree attitude while Courtney Love is more of a personal icon for feminine rage and isn't afraid to be loud. Like many other New York rock bands, our set up and vocals have also been influenced by The Strokes. 

We’re definitely not a jam band, our songs have a strong structure and we usually try to sneak a surprise in our songs so that nothing is ever too comfortable. I think punk rock can look like so many things and we want our music to feel cathartic but fun. I think it's okay to write fun songs about serious things and things that don’t matter at all. We’re still exploring where we want to take our sound and we’re excited to see where things go from here. 

With such a strong start, what are ‘The Dutch Kills' aspirations for the future? Are there any particular goals or milestones you're aiming for in the next few years?

As of right now the dream is to tour and start recording a full-length album. We’re sitting on a lot of fun songs and we’re hoping to get in the studio and share our music with new audiences. We love performing live and would love to take our music to new places outside the New York area.

The Dutch Kills’ debut EP "The Rot", drops everywhere on January 27th.

Are you in New York?

The Dutch Kills will be celebrating the release of their EP, “The Rot” at The Broadway in Brooklyn, NY on Saturday January 27th, 2024.